Insurance Surveys
Most reputable insurance companies require that an Insurance Survey be professionally undertaken prior to providing cover, and periodically thereafter. This type of survey focuses primarily on Safety issues and the integrity of the hull and systems.

Condition and Valuation Surveys
are professional assessments of the overall condition of your craft, including its hull, equipment and systems, on an as-is where is basis, and include recommendations for correction of defects identified.
This type of survey report includes a valuation of the vessel, based on prices if similar vessels, its location, and current market conditions.

Pre-Purchase Surveys
are typically undertaken by buyers prior to purchase, as a tool to aid in establishing whether defects or maintenance issues exist in the vessel or its systems, and if so whether these are sufficiently serious as to compromise the viability of the vessel or affect its purchase price. Conscientious sellers, aware that an unhappy buyer can be a liability, also undertake this type of survey for guidance in putting the vessel in order prior to selling.

Tuition and Coaching
Having finally bought the boat of your dreams, the thought of maneuvering it in tight situations, anchoring in a crowded bay, or coming alongside a jetty to pick up guests can be quite stressful. With Tuition and Coaching, we will explain the effects of control inputs, prop wash, wave action, and tides and currents on your boat and demonstrate how a boat handles under these conditions in a friendly and fun way, helping you to gain confidence in how your boat responds, and thus in your own abilities”.
Get it surveyed by a qualified professional to identify potential risks and weak points. Spend some quality time on the water learning about its systems, docking and maneuvering, and trimming your boat for the most comfortable ride in a seaway. Understand basic navigation, safety systems, and steps to take when things go wrong.